Use the slider function below to see more examples!

My goal for this LUT pack is to give your videos the tone they deserve without sacrificing the true colors of your footage.

Over the years, I’ve had trouble finding LUTs that work with the color profiles I’ve been shooting on (Slog-2, Slog-3, C-Log, R3D, Log-C,), so I decided to create a series of LUTs that I actually use for all my videos that have been shot on multiple cameras.

I encourage you to use these after a primary grade has been applied to your footage. Once color grade has been applied, load in your Prime LUT and choose your desired look.

12 LUTs that will deliver results no matter what type of camera you shoot on.


12 LUTs you’ll actually use.



What are LUTs?

LUTs are Look Up Tables that altar the color values of an image or frame. You can use these presets to add different looks to your footage, and hopefully save you time during the process.

How do I download the LUTs?

You’ll receive a download as soon as you payment is complete.

What program do I need to use your LUTs?

These LUTs are designed to work in any non linear editing (NLE) program. Some of the most popular include 

  • Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Final Cut Pro

  • DaVinci Resolve

  • Adobe After Effects

  • Adobe Speedgrade 

  • Sony Vegas Pro

  • LumaFusion 


Mac: Applications/Premiere Pro CC 2020/Show Package Contents/Lumetri/LUTS/Creative

Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020\Lumetri\LUTS\Creative

Once you’re in the Creative folder you’ll want to copy and paste the LUTs into this folder!

Once your footage is properly corrected, apply Lumetri Color from the effects tab to your footage and choose your favorite LUT!