How To Shoot a Music Video on an iPhone

Hey guys! Thank you for taking time to watch this today. Before I jump into this topic, I wanted to gift you guys some free filmmaking assets that I have linked right here, so check that out. So is it possible to shoot a decent music video only using your iPhone? With all the new camera bodies out there that are becoming more affordable than ever, are we at a point with phone technology to do professional shoots with an iPhone? My answer to this is an absolute YES. In fact, I actually had to do this on a recent music video project.

As a DP, I was given the task of shooting and lighting an entire performance music video with an iPhone 11. When I first read this on the brief, I almost had a panic attack because I got so worried that this was going to look horrible. I’ve worked on projects with iPhone footage in the past and it’s just incredibly difficult to color or tweak footage that comes out of it. But after this experience, I was convinced that it’s possible. I mean look at all the more recent Apple commercials that are entirely shot on the iPhone. They look really well done, granted those commercials are shot with commercial budgets not with music video budgets. It’s like comparing a great dane to a chihuahua.

So in oder to shoot a good quality music video on the iPhone you’re going to need these five things, give or take. Is it possible to do it without these items, yes totally, but these items will increase your production value by ten folds.

#1 - Pick the right Phone app

Moment has a great app where you’re able to tweak your settings such frame rate, recording format, exposure and ISO. You can even switch to manual focus mode and utilize that to do reveals and highlight other parts of your frame. Lighting is essential. Don’t over expose or under expose anything because it’s not recoverable with the 8-bit depth. Make sure to have Zebra on. Match WB to the setting.I like using the moment app over filmic pro. User interface is better, and everything I need to do in FiLMiC Pro is on the moment app as well.

#2 - Stabilizer

iPhones in body image stabilization isn’t quite there and it’s just wobbly with certain movements so I used the my Ronin-S with the iPhone. Now there are tons of other phone stabilizers that I could’ve used by I just felt the most comfortable with the Ronin-s and the phone just worked great. Extra tip: get an iPhone tripod mount.

#3 - Lenses

The iPhone camera lens is pretty good but I wanted to take it a step further I used moment lenses. Moment has a ton of incredible phone lenses that are all game changers. I used tele 58mm as well as their anamorphic lens and I actually ended up liking the 58mm a ton.

#4 - Haze

Haze adds a cinematic texture to your video and it’ll just add production value to your project.

#5 - RGB lights

iPhone doesn’t always register skin tones the best, but it does great with colors. Make sure to keep your WB consistent and all your colors should turnout great If you have all of these five components when you’re shooting the music video with an iPhone, your video will turn out surprisingly better than you thought.

As technology progresses, things like shooting projects with your iPhone and editing entirely on your iPad will become a norm in the next few years. Overall, I loved how this music video for Love You Later turned out and hope that this inspires you to go and make your own iPhone music video. What are your initial thoughts with shooting a music video on the iPhone. Are you afraid? Or have you sworn to never touch an iPhone because your friends are going to beat up if they see you shooting on it? Comment your thoughts below. As always thanks for watching. Make sure to grab these free assets and I’ll see you guys soon.




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